The Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre has moved!

Find us in our new location at 50 Middle Street, Cleveland next to the library.


Holden Out for a Cure - All Holden Day

Holden Out For A Cure All Holden Day

Presented by the FX-FJ Holden Club of Queensland Inc.

Car Show Open to Holden’s Cars from 1948 to 2017

No other car company has shaped Australia in so many ways, for so long. Established as a saddle maker in 1856.

On November 26, 2023, 1948 Prime Minister Ben Chifley launches the first Holden car in Port Melbourne and declares “she’s a beauty”. Dealers were reportedly holding more than 18,000 orders before the first one was built. Price when new: $1466 (£733)

20 October 2017: Holden builds its – and Australia’s – last car, a red Holden Commodore V8 in a private ceremony attended by 1000 factory workers past and present.

Supporting The Cancer Council Queensland - Redland Branch

Long Street, Cleveland, Queensland, 4163

2023-11-26 08:00:00
2023-11-26 14:00:00