
Suitcase Rummage and Rack Sale

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This is a great time of year to clear out your wardrobe and join us for a suitcase rummage and rack sale at IndigiScapes Eco Markets.

On average in Australia we each consume 27kgs of clothing and textiles every year and most of this goes to landfill!!

Grab all your unwanted clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories and more and we'll help you find them new homes. You'll have space for one suitcase and one rack.

We have limited space available so register now to be a part of the last eco market for the year in our beautiful native botanic gardens.

$10 will buy you a site for one suitcase and one rack.

Rack hire is available for an extra $5.

2022-04-02 08:00:00
2022-04-02 12:00:00